Friday, July 20, 2007

Sleep Deprived in Grand Prairie

I'm a horrible blogger. I never shoulda started this thing! Now it's something else to feel guilty about not completing or maintaining properly. Just kidding! I actually enjoy knowing someone out there cares enough to read about my boring life.

So I haven't had a lot of continuous night time sleep lately. Our newest addition, Luke, is the culprit. He's so darn cute, though, I can't possibly be mad at him. No matter what time he wakes me up...which these days is about 4am.

Anyway, just like with my other kids, my body has adapted to it. And now I actually stay up after he goes to bed at night. Besides, if I didn't have this private time to myself I really might go nuts!

So keep coming back to visit me. I'm determined to keep you "posted"!



Pamelotta said...

You're back! I have been faithfully checking to see if there are any updates. So good to hear you are doing well. Post more pictures of little Luke. Hopefully I can see him in person sometime soon!

Mrs. SeƱora Cobbey said...

Wow! So you're staying up at 4am! That's amazing! What do you do?

Jennifer said...

No, you misunderstood. I stay up AFTER I put him down at night, which is around 10:30pm. But even in the last few days he's getting better and sleeping until 6am or later! The end of my sleep deprivation is in sight!